1. 观赏植物的稀有花色形成机制研究与育种
2. 原生植物育种与科普
3. 城市生物多样性与健康
1. Guanqun Chen*, Junyan Song, Yuanshan Zhang, Xiangxin Guo, Xiaohui Shen*. Development and application of virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) for studying ApTT8 gene function in Agapanthus praecox ssp. orientalis. Scientia Horticulturae, 2024, 324:112595.
2. Yuanshan Zhang, Xiangxin Guo, Junyan Song, Guanqun Chen*, Xiaohui Shen*. Enhancing cryopreservation survival in Petunia × Calibrachoa ‘Light Yellow’ callus: Insights into material characteristics and genetic integrity, Cryobiology, 2024, (114) :104846.
3. Guanqun Chen*, Weizhi He, Xiangxin Guo, Junsong Pan*. Genome-wide identification, classification and expression analysis of the MYB transcription factor family in Petunia. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, 22:4838.
4. Guanqun Chen*, Ruilian Li, Xiaohui Shen*. ApSerpin-ZX from Agapanthus praecox is a potential cryoprotective agent to plant cryopreservation. Cryobiology, 2021, 98:103-111.
5. Guanqun Chen, Di Zhang, Jian Pan, Jianhua Yue, Xiao-hui Shen*. Cathepsin B-like cysteine protease ApCathB negatively regulates cryo-injury tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis and Agapanthus praecox. Plant Science, 2021, 308:110928.
6. 贺威智,雷伟奇,郭祥鑫,李蕊莲,陈冠群*. 百子莲MYB家族鉴定及蓝色形成关键基因功能分析. 园艺学报, 2023, 50(6):1255-1268.
7. 陈冠群, 李秋静, 毛宇恒, 申瑞雪*, 申晓辉. 原生植物在上海城市园林中的应用评价及筛选. 园林,2024.
8. 陈冠群 (第一发明人). 改良百子莲花色观赏性的方法(ZL 2021 1 0536247.5)
9. 新品种:‘浦江22号’矮牵牛,‘浦江23号’矮牵牛
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